About Blog

Biology makes you tick. It makes the tick inside you tick. Our blood eats bacteria. Viruses drink our blood. Secretions help us poop. Hormones make girls crazy. Mice kick the bucket on a daily basis. Cells talk among themselves. Your liver quits drinking after a while. Your brain is an electric circuit board. You were a monkey. I was your Dad. The egg is everything.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

The Iota of Biota

If I say biology and the only thing that comes to your head is your eight grade lesson on sex organs and reproduction then go ahead, Read. If you are obsessively compulsive about the advent of a bacterial armageddon and the rise of the fruit flies, then go ahead Read. If you believe we shouldn’t sacrifice (word foreplay in biology :D) mice and are all tailed up to organize an animal rights campaign, go ahead sue us but first Read! If you believe Spiderman mutations is fictional crap, go ahead Read. If you think we cannot generate your heart from your skin, go ahead Read! If you love Science, Read.

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