It will be baffling, absolutely insane if I told you the story of the cell and the make-up of it, the miniscule crap that resides in and how! To blow your mind here’s a situation. Every cell in your body except for the sex ones have your entire DNA set. Count RBCs out too, they don’t contain DNA at all. But all that filtering leaves the total cell count approximately at 100000000000000, ten trillion!!! And with each cell having the entire genome set it would take a person typing 60 words a minute, 8 hours a day, around 50 years to type the whole genome. And this is just the DNA am talking about, then there are the proteins that are basically responsible for anything that you do or are and other millions of factors and messengers of which if I start talking ill end up like the person typing the human genome which trust me I dont want to.
But to find a defect in the 3 billion bases that is the human genome and to go correct it is what makes us the coolest people in the world. True Story!
But to find a defect in the 3 billion bases that is the human genome and to go correct it is what makes us the coolest people in the world. True Story!
To talk about the cell am sure you have heard this before? It’s the building block of life. Yes? Oh shut up!!
If it was that simple, I would own Manchester United and have a crocodile farm with Halle Berry for my girlfriend.
So yes don’t kid yourself. You want to know what it really is, try this. It’s the oxygen you take in, it’s the hydrogen you fart out, it’s the burn in your pee, it’s the taste of pizza, it’s the smell of petrol, it’s the response to a speeding car, it’s the crackling of your knuckles, it’s the pleasure when you kiss, it’s the fit when you’re ill, it’s the sound of symphony, it’s the bones you crack, it’s the healing of a cut, it’s the sense of sensing, it’s the tears when someone dies, it’s the reason why you think, its why you forget, it’s the baby in the uterus, it’s the blue eyes of your neighbor, it’s the paunch of your buddy, it’s the color of the race, its food for disease, its why the young get old, its why the old pass away, it’s the onion in your eyes, its why Pfizer is so rich, its why my PI needs money, it’s the high when you’re high, its why you salivate, it’s what makes plants green, it’s why animals aint human, its why man needs a woman, it’s what results out their needs, it’s what turns food to poop, and poop to soil, it’s how criminals are caught, it’s how monkeys are cloned, its why journals are a pain, it’s the beating of your heart, it’s how your liver regenerates, it’s the fat on your belly, it’s the muscle in your arms, it’s how mice and humans are similar, quite simply it’s the micro fuel of life.
Oh and yes,
Its why biologists are screwed!
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